Sunday, September 28, 2008

my little acrobat....

yes i have an amazing soccer player and one that is following in this footsteps and now i think God has blessed me with the next olympic gymnasts.
Update....tuesday morning i head to the doctor for my 25 week check-up. heart beat was good, blood pressure ok. everything looks good he said. he asked me if i was still anxious about delivery and i started to cry. he kept telling me to take care of myself and everything is going to be fine. he gave me another sonogram to let me see that she is ok. so after that i head home and things look good. tuesday night i had just got home from picking up some supper. before we started supper i head to the restroom and SHOCK. i had started spotting. i immediately called my doctor and spoke with the on call doctor. she has just had her baby early so i felt really confident in what all she was telling me. needless to say she told me if spotting got heavier or brighter in color go to labor and delivery. wednesday morning i got up and the color got darker all of a sudden. no to much more but darker. i called the doctor again and no doctors are in on wednesday so they told me to get to labor and delivery. eric and i get there around 8 and they immediately put on the monitors. no contractions, they found heartbeat but she would not stay still long enough for them to keep it on her. so they just monitered her heartbeat every other hour. i was not in the bed for 30 minutes and they told me dr. daniels was on his way up. he came in and told me that he thought it was just blood in my urine. after his exam he confirmed cervix was closed and that bleeding was coming from somewhere above. he ordered blood test and a sonogram. after blood was taken i was sent to the sonogram room. they studied her hard and i was very anxious so i asked them what exactly they were doing. they said they were watching her move. she said that she does not just move a arm she throws her whole body around. anyways they said everything was scaled that they were doing and she was the highest. ok so i felt alittle better that she was doing so good but still scared about the blood. they rolled me back to my room and my sweet mother had joined eric. yeah! company helps take your mind off of things. then about an hour after that my wonderful friend tonya and her sweet little precious, bella come to see me. she brought eric and i some magazines. how thoughtful. thanks again. i could hear dr. daniels outside at the nurses station for a long time and i was very anxious for him to come in. so finally around 2 he is there and pulls up a chair. i am so scared. he explains that the sonogram looks great. blood work shows an infection in urine so they are going to start iv. he explained that more than likely what is going on is that i have a leak in the after birth. can it be serious .. yes. but as of right now we were safe. he said at anytime the leak could become more and more blood would be lost and then we would worry. so doctors orders...complete bed rest. how sad. i asked him what that meant. he said bathroom breaks only. so i had to stay overnight for observation. my dad comes to see me then my mother in law brings my children to me. how great. they always make things better. garrett crawls into the bed with me and hangs out. then tonyas husband terry comes by and takes eric out for supper. very nice. then alison and aunt gaye stop by. alison hangs out with garrett and i think she helped ease his mind alittle. around 9 eric heads home with the boys because garrett is getting tired. so mom and i hang out. the next morning garrett and kathy get there around 8 because he had to have his mom. i had to get monitored for 2 hours and then if things were good..i was heading home. i got home around 3 that afternoon and i jumped straight into the shower. i was cleaning my ears after the shower and i jerked my hand and ruptured my ear drum. it bled for 2 days. eric talked to his doctor and he said just to clean with peroxide and put some neosporion on it. supper was provided by aunt gaye..taco soup. and then friday the nordans brought over bbq and some sides. thank God for wonderful family and friends. so i have sat and layed here on the couch for days. i thought it would be fun but now i am getting tired of it. well, yesterday morning i was laying on the couch and was amazed at watching arabelle and how far she was pushing out on my stomach. it was like she kept doing 2 back handsprings. right after that i went to the restroom and there it was again. blood. so the more she finds it appropriate to tumble the more blood i have. kinda upset, because i am sure that once dr. daniel finds out about this that i will have limited activity and possibly bed rest. so..pray for us. thanks again for all the calls, cards, visit and prayers. just keep praying. this is a scary time and i have to stay Strong for my kids and arabelle.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

hair today...gone tomorrow.

something about my sweet children (while pregnant with them)
takes a toil on my hair. with garrett my hair literally glued
itself together and when i went to get it cut she had to chop it off
to my chin. yikes! anyways..i have been letting my hair grow
out. i love my long hair. so now with little arabelle it started again.
i went and purchased some nice conditioners for long hair but no luck.
so i was done with it. i went back to the beauty shop and told her to do
as she pleased. just try to keep it as long as possible. she put some layers
in it. some bangs. shorter than i like but much easier to manage.

here is a pic so you can see how long it was.

and the new length.

so as you can see she took some off. i can still put in a ponytail

which is my favorite.

17, 12, and 4.....three birthdays down

first of all, the pic order is driving me crazy.
logans birthday at chick-fil-a.

soccer and fun

garrett enjoying some yummy nachos at the soccer game. is back.

this was consuming our time and making things

go by lots faster but as of right now i am not allowed

to go watch the games. sad.

noah taking a break. such a model.

waiting on his turn.

sundays at paw paw and grammys

this is the child who is scared of hills while driving in cars.

getting ready.

he love his paw paws hat.

finally some updates.....

the next few blogs are going to be some updated photos with some quick updates. now that i am on bed rest i have some time to update these photos.

these are pictures from where the kids and i went to a game with marc and bethany.
noah trying to enjoy football.
garret having a blast.
noahd and bethany.
so excited about his catch. actually mom caught it but he was so happy.
brotherly love. how cute are they.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

i have been tagged...

so my sweet sister tagged me so here i go.

6 things you may not know about me:

1. i am addicted to reality shows. crazy i know. any of them usually. biggest loser, america's next top model, american idol...etc.

2. i hate more than anything having a head cold. i would rather have a stomach virus or strep throat.

3. same as bethany. i never make my bed. i love to get into my bed at night and the sheets are really cold because the fan has been on them all day. i wanna go back to bed.

4. i am not a good passenger in the car. i am extremely paranoid and will let you know if i think you need to move over or slow down.

5. i hate wearing makeup. if i would not look so dead i would never put anything on.

6. i never had plans to go to college. i have always wanted to be a stay at home mom. i always plan on being a stay at home mom..even if that means we have no money. :)

bethany has tagged most everyone already. but if you happen to stumble across my blog and haven't been tagged then i tag you.
i will be posting some birthday pics soon. just been feeling crappy lately so it is taking me a little longer.

Friday, September 12, 2008

prayers, prayers and more prayers...

i haven't written in a few days but things are crazy around here trying to get everything ready for three birthdays. i am writing because i have a few things that are bothering me and i am trying to be a "strong christian" and let God be in charge but i am struggling. i have recently repented of my sins and ask for forgiveness that when i am put in negative situations that they not control my life and my Christianity but i can fight this negativeness with prayers. i am working hard but satan is right there too. august 26th we found out that we are getting blessed with a precious baby girl and so far she is looking good. we are excited and why would i want to hide this. i am not. people at church, my friends and family have already been showering me with love, support and gifts for this new little princess. i love it and i appreciate every bit of it. God has blessed us with a child. A gift from God, don't expect me to wipe a smile off of my face or not mention her. thank you God for AraBelle. along with this precious child i have two amazing boys that God has given us., where do i start. a true gentlemen..and he is only 11. he is the most kind-hearted kid i have seen at age 11. he knows who he is and will not give any less than that. he is a leader. this is not just my own judgement but most everyone i come in contact with pours blessings on me about him. a guy that we attend services with (who was at one time a principle) makes it a point to let me know that noah is one of the most respectful children he has ever met. a camp director who is over a christian camp has come to me on several occasion and told me that he is going to use noah to make this camp be one of the best. meaning he is using noah to find out about certain leaders there. (again noah is 11) so i think you can see my point. what a wonderful blessing to have such a great child. thank you God for noah. then there is Garrett...once again where do i start with him. first of all, he has a good heart and he is very kind. he just does not show it like noah...yet. he has been 100% boy since i birthed him. he is very independent and he sees things only in black and white. he will take nothing in between and is brilliant. his prayers are amazing and he is only 3. he prays daily and never misses a prayer at meal time. i am constantly told by people how amazing he is and that they really cant believe he is 3. such a blessing. thank you God for garrett. i love my kids and people around me love them too. how much more could you ask for.
so...i guess you are wondering what prayers, prayer and more prayers are for. first, that i continue to be strong and keep my Christianity strong during negative situations. as i have written above that i am blessed with 2 wonderful boys and 1 princess on the way and if people have a problem with this then let me pour prayers out for them. apparently, something is wrong in their life. second, this is a way i have been feeling lately and i am trying not to be this way. "me and my kids (usually my mom) go places. we have too. we have duties to fill, errands to run, things to buy, etc. if you know we are somewhere and you have such a problem with me and my kids then choose not to be around us." pray that i can turn this into a positive thing. not sure how but that is why i am writing. i am asking for help. third, that i can continue this positive attitude about our little girl that is on the way. i am scared but i know God is in control. fourth, to not ask why but to pray for those certain people who think it is necessary to let me know that they think my kids are terrible. fifth and last, just pray that i continue to let God be in control .
sorry so long. i appreciate any and all advice you have to give. if you want to email me advice so that it is not public, feel free.

i will post again after this weekend. we will have made it through the birthdays and i will have some pics to post.